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julius caesar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "julius caesar"
  • Lepidus had previously been a close ally of Julius Caesar.
    Lepidus adalah sekutu dekat Julius Caesar.
  • Caesar had his legions, Napoleon had his armies
    Julius Caesar punya legiun, Napoleon punya tentara
  • Delta Psi puts on a production of Julius Caesar.
    Dimulai dari produksi terhormat. Julius Caesar.
  • Others say he guided Julius Caesar through the Gallic Wars.
    Dia memandu Julius Caesar menuju Gallic Wars.
  • Calpurnia was the third and last wife of Julius Caesar.
    Calpurnia adalah istri ketiga dan terakhir dari Julius Caesar.
  • 364–353 BC) to the later years of Julius Caesar (c.
    364-353 SM) hingga tahun-tahun berikutnya dari Julius Caesar (skt.
  • In 59 BC he was consul alongside Julius Caesar.
    Pada 59 SM, ia menjadi konsul bersama dengan Julius Caesar.
  • Drusus Julius Caesar Germanicus, 7–33 AD, died without issue III.
    Drusus Julius Caesar Germanicus, 7-33, meninggal tanpa keturunan III.
  • Emperor Tiberius' son Julius Caesar Drusus dies.
    Putra Tiberius, Julius Caesar Drusus meninggal.
  • He was the father of Julius Caesar.
    Kemungkinan besar ayahnya adalah Julius Caesar.
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